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Beautiful Sri Lanka...

Beautiful Sri Lanka...

Didn't really know what my first blog post was going to be about, so I just simply decided to introduce you guys to my home country : Sri Lanka.

Ps : I am not going to talk about all the things in details, (might do another blog post for that).

It's just a tiny introduction.

Hope you'll all enjoy.

Sri Lanka,

A beautiful country located in the Indian Ocean.

It is known for its beautiful beaches, food and of course for its beautiful people.

I am originally from Sri Lanka (now French, a whole other story that I might explain in also an other blog post), born there and got lucky to live there till I was 6 or 7years old.

I still feel lucky to have certain kind of memories of my childhood there.

One of the greatest memory I have from there, it's those beautiful sand beaches.

Remember going there every now and then with my mother.

The country itself has a lot of beautiful stories, it's a mix of Tamil culture and Sinhala culture

(lucky me I am from both, Thanks Mom and Dad).

Despite the culture, and those beautiful beaches, what people love the most is our food.

Known to be (really) spicy and colorful, full of exotic veggies...

Nowadays it's one of the most visited island in the world (which makes me even prouder to be from there).

I guess now it's easy to understand why my blog is called : The Diary of an Island Beauty :).

Guess it's enough for a little introduction ...

Hope you enjoyed it and that you've learn a few things about this beautiful country of mine...

Don't hesitate to share or to leave any comments :).


Dilak, Island Beauty.

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