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A Magical day at Hogwarts...

A Magical Day at Hogwarts...

As I promised to you guys, here is my little experience in the amazing world of Harry Potter.

Here, I'll try to share as much as possible of that wonderful day I had during my stay in London.

So, here we go, hope you enjoy the pictures and my little story😌.


One of the most exciting moment of that day, was obviously when the door of Hogwarts opened, it was just like in the movies (you'll understand in a few second with the pictures).

I am not going to say that I am a huge Harry Potter fan (because I know there are a lot of people out there who love this more than I do), but ever since I watched the first three movies when I was younger, I was fascinated and obsessed with this witchcraft world.

While we were in there, all I was thinking about was : How did J.K Rowling came up with such great stories?

But most importantly how did the movie crew made these "Stories" look so alive and made those creatures look so real?

Through out the visit I even learned a few secrets about the movies (not gonna spoil you anything, just in case any of you wants to go there one day).

My favorite sets were : The set of Diagon Alley, Quidditch, The Forbidden forest but most of all the Hogwarts Express.

When I got in there, I was just imagining myself being in the movie.

During the visit, we did have a little lunch break (Yop they also have food inside haha😍).

You cannot leave the Harry Potter Warner Bros Studio without having a ButterBeer, the most delicious drink I've ever had so far, and the fun part is that you get to keep your cup/ mug for a little extra money (but it's worth it).

My favorite part of this tour was probably the end, when I got to see the actual representation of Hogwarts' castle.

It was honestly the most magical moment of the whole trip.

What was special about this moment is that we were able to walk around the castle, with that Harry Potter music in the background... just imagine it.

I would love to share every single details of this studio tour with you all, but I won't do that, because there won't be any secrets left at the end.

By the way guys, if you go there you'll need more than an afternoon to see everything and to really enjoy😅.

And for any of you who might have already been there, what did you enjoy the most ?

Mr.Radcliffe and I, thank you for reading this blogpost, hahah😉

Hope you guys enjoyed my little experience, and if you wanna share yours with me don't hesitate to contact me via Instagram or even here on my blog.

Don't forget to like and share.

"In Dreams, we enter a world that is entirely our own"

-Albus Dumbledore

Thank you guys,


Dilak, Island Beauty.

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