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Grand Prix Week-End in Monaco...

Grand Prix Week-End in Monaco...

Welcome back guys,

Today's blogpost is going to be a bit different,

I am actually going to take you through my Grand Prix Week-End in Monaco.

As you all know, living in the south of France has its own charms, such us experiencing each year the Formula1 atmosphere.

And to be honest, the last week of May, it's one of my favorite moment of the year (beside Christmas of course).

The 75th Grand Prix edition started the 25th of May and ended the 28th.

It's a four day race : the two first days are for practice, the third one is for qualification and the most important one would be the last day (but I guess you all knew this, haha).

During the formula 1, Monaco gets really busy, and that is one thing I love about it...

Lots of tourists, which means a lot of fun meetings with new people.

And as you can see in the previous pictures, the port gets really crowded with celebrities and people.

This year's Grand Prix, was pretty awesome, had the chance to spend some time with my family and with one of my best friend.

I recommend to all of you out there, to come to the french riviera at least once in your life, and experience this amazing atmosphere of the Formula1.

I know that Monaco, is most importantly known for it's expensive shops, expensive hotels... But I promise you guys, if I can afford certain things here, you guys can too😉.

Hope you guys enjoyed this little blogpost,

Wish I took more pictures but maybe next year.

Until then take care, and don't hesitate to like and share.

By the way, another exciting blogpost is coming (for those who follows me on Insta knows that recently it was my birthday... not going to tell you more, but stay tuned)

Thank you❤️,


Dilak, Island Beauty.

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