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Get Away Week-End in Draguignan...

Get Away Week-End in Draguigan...

I feel like sometimes, all you need is a little get away far from all the social medias, but also far from the places you are used to see every single day... and this little get away to Draguignan was probably something I really required.

I've actually never been there, and by the way I haven't been to that many places in France, so it was definitely new to me.

My little trip made me want to write something a bit different this time, I am not really going to focus on the things I've done during that week-end, but I'll definitely share with you guys the pictures that I've took etc (because you all know how addicted I am with taking pictures or even being on them😅).

I feel like this blogpost has to be different than the others...

Summer has officially ended, and I didn't thought that this summer would have taught me a lot of things (usually I realize those kind of stuff, every end of the year, when I am like asking myself : What amazing things happened this year ? What would you like to change for next year ? Did you learn anything new ? from yourself or even from other people ? etc.)

At the time, I was a bit scared, only I didn't know why ? Was it because I was thinking about those stuff that early, or was it something else ?

And that's when I fully became aware that the problem was not coming from all the things that happened during this summer or even this year that has somehow affected me, but it was coming from the inside of me self.

To be honest with you guys, I am not really good with writing things that comes from my heart, but I wanted to give it a go.

These past few weeks, have been a bit tough emotion wise but also self care wise : I feel like I've been too stressed out about all the things I wanted to accomplish and do during summer or even after, that I totally forgot to take time for myself and of course take care of me.

I don't know if any of you can relate to this? cause I am pretty sure, I am not the only one in the world going through emotional moments.

I am not writing this to share my problems or else, but to make you understand that sometimes looking after yourself is really important. And I also thought that to share this here, on my blog, will help me to understand a few things about me or to prevent this from happening again.

Sometimes you realize that, you need to do a little check up on yourself (as you would do when you go to see the doctor etc), and I've definitely understood that I am not the same girl that I was last year, that I don't like the same things anymore and that I want to try out new things.

If you guys have read my "Favorites of the Month: June's Edition", you all know how much "Self Love" is important to me and it also should be to everyone, because I feel like it's a powerful weapon.

Selflove, leads to confidence, which leads to motivation etc.

Selflove it's a weapon that will help you conquer your inner self but also the world my beauties, so I really hope that all of you my friends have some self love.

So during, my stay in Draguignan, I tried my best to stay away from all the social medias (because often, your low morale can also be because of social medias...) but most importantly the ones I use, such as Instagram or Facebook and to be fully present in the moment.

To be honest, sometimes you do need those kind of moments to realize that nowadays we live in a world, where we "people" are so addicted. I obviously needed to start from somewhere, and I knew that was something I required a lot : being away from all the dramas and the "not nice" things that is happening all around the world... I am pretty sure a lot of you can connect with my little story : when sometimes all you want is to get away and be on your own or with people that you cherish the most.

And to be fair, it felt really good to not share every single details of that little trip, of course I did share with you guys some pictures later on on instagram, but the point is that It feels just amazing to take some fresh air away.

Now, time for the photos, enjoy :)...

If any of you, from time to time feel "low" or too emotional : take a deep breath, some time a part and try to get away from all the social medias so you can be in your own world for a moment.

Hope you guys didn't mind my really long story,

By the way don't hesitate to tell me if you like those kind of blogposts, because I love writing them.

As always, don't forget to like and leave a comment, or even share your opinion.

Love you loads, take care.

and will be back really soon with some other exciting new blogposts.

Ps: It's officially autumn😍, yeaaaaaah

What do you guys think of my new blog presentation ? Do you like it ? because I doooooo😁.

Cheers my beauties, till next time.


Dilak, Island Beauty.

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