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Be Kind... Even to Mean People

Be Kind... Even to Mean People

Hello my beauties,

Welcome back to another blogpost.

Hope you all had a great week, and I bet you are all ready and excited for the Week-end hahah.

Today's blogpost is going to be a little bit shorter than usual (well by shorter I mean, it's story time so no pictures😅).

To be honest with you all, I haven't planned on writing this, but something that happened this week to one of my closest friend, made me realize that I needed to talk about this.

We all have a voice and sharing those kind of thoughts out with the world might help some of you or even people going through difficult moments.

Anyway, as you might have understood, this blogpost is about "Using kind words with people".

I've always believed, that being kind to one and other, to support each other, will help us being more united... but I guess not everyone has the same opinion (And of course I am not blaming anyone here😊).

I wanted to write this, because I feel like everyone should be careful with what kind of words they use, because being mean won't help anyone (Am I right ?).

Body language is for sure one of the most important ways to communicate with someone, but words, they are even more powerful, and sometimes you just gotta use them wisely.

To all the ladies, and men out there, if you are ever being criticized by people just because "they" think you are either "TOO FAT, TOO THIN, or even TOO DARK..." just please do me a favor, but most importantly do Yourself a favor : DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE IDIOTS.

You are perfect, just the way you are, and you should feel proud of yourself.

I've recently understood that sometimes, when people judge others its because they are insecure about themselves.

And you can either accept their judgements and be like : Fine, I might be fat, or dark or too thin but I accept that, because at least I am different from all those negative people.

You should feel worth it and confident.

Or you can just allow that judgement, ruin yourself and make you feel bad about who you are.

If I were you guys, honestly I would be one of those person to be affected by those words, well at least I would have been affected by those stupid words and feel sad for a while, but on any circumstances I will not let anyone talk to me that way...

Stand up for yourself (easy said than done... I know that really well, but tell yourself that If I can, so can You°

I think there are lot more things to worry about in this world, than the way we speak with people, but if you have to be anything in this world, please BE KIND.

Being kind, is being courageous.

"Wake up, Kick ass, Be kind and Repeat"

I know, not a lot of people will like this blogpost but if you do don't forget to give a little thumbs up or even share it.

I wanted this to be, a little reminder to all of you that if we act and speak kindly with person around you, there will be a big difference with how people will react with you and act with others.

Be Smart...

Hope you guys enjoyed this,

If any of you wants to share their story, or just a little thought don't hesitate to share it down below, or via email.

And no matter what crappy things people might say about you, don't forget that you're worth it... We are all different human beings, but we are all worth it.

Until next Friday,

Take care my beauties.


Dilak, IslandBeauty

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